Deliver Healthcare
In partnership with governments, we deliver effective community-based primary healthcare at the last mile.
In partnership with governments, we deliver effective community-based primary healthcare at the last mile.
Imagine your two-year-old daughter wakes up one morning with a fever. You realize that she could have malaria which, without treatment, is life threatening. The only way to get a diagnosis and access to treatment would be to walk for up to a day just to reach the nearest clinic. This is a daily reality for the two billion people living in the world’s most remote communities.
Now imagine that your daughter was visited at your home by Serrena Kun, a community health worker. Serrena is your neighbor, and she has the necessary training to diagnose your daughter’s fever and provide her with the medicine she needs. If your daughter does not improve, Serrena will work with her supervisor Diana Denis, a registered nurse, who will treat your child at the community clinic or refer her to a hospital.
At Last Mile Health, we partner with governments to extend primary healthcare to the world’s most remote communities by designing, growing, and sustaining national networks of community and frontline health workers.

Professionalized community health workers — who are equitably selected, trained, paid, supervised, and supplied — serve the daily health needs of their neighbors by delivering an integrated package of lifesaving healthcare services, including disease surveillance; reproductive, maternal, and neonatal health; child health; and adult health. They can also become a robust first line of defense against everyday health threats and global emergencies.
When community health workers like Serrena are trained and supported, they can improve health outcomes and save lives. In Liberia, they have delivered 1.5 million treatments for malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea and malnutrition screenings to children under five since the launch of the national program 2016. Community health workers are now treating 45% of all reported malaria cases for children under five. They have kept community-based primary health services going during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to supporting Liberia’s community and frontline health workers to deliver quality primary healthcare, we partner with the Ministry of Health and communities to design and implement innovative solutions to address persistent health and equity gaps, and position them for country-level scale. This includes expanding access to quality services in areas such as immunization, nutrition, and family planning, like the recent pilot of the injectable contraceptive Sayana Press in Liberia’s Rivercess County.

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