Blog Post
“No mother should lose her life needlessly”: Community midwife assistants deliver lifesaving care in Malawi
In Malawi, we’re partnering with the Ministry of Health to transform the community health system through digital tools and strong, standardized training of community health workers.
Of Malawi’s population of 20 million, 84% live in rural areas and 24% of these do not live within 8 km radius of a health facility. Primary care is out of reach for many: one in five Malawians can’t access quality essential health services. Treatable diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and respiratory diseases are among the leading causes of death, and maternal and child mortality rates are among the highest in Africa. Patients urgently need change—and the Ministry of Health has identified the country’s community health workforce as a critical opportunity to improve access to quality primary care. Their priorities: expand the national community health program, improve data collection at the community level, and strengthen training for community health workers.
The Ministry chose Last Mile Health as its partner in addressing these crucial needs to drive better training and improved access to care for all Malawians.
served by Last Mile Health and the Ministry of Health since 2020
are currently registered in iCHIS
in Last Mile Health-supported districts received an iCHIS supervision visit in the last quarter
Last Mile Health partners with the Ministry of Health to strengthen the community health system through a new digital information system, improved training, and stronger supervision for community health workers. Our work began in 2019, when we worked with the Ministry and partners to design the integrated Community Health Information System (iCHIS). This digital system supports community health workers in making patient care decisions and makes community-based data collection and reporting simple and efficient. Since launching iCHIS, we’ve worked alongside the Ministry to implement the system at the district level, scale it nationally, and equip health leaders with the skills they need to manage community-level data and address needs swiftly and effectively.
As we roll out iCHIS, we’re also working with the Ministry to provide training for community health workers and supervisors on both the new system and primary health topics, ensuring the workforce is prepared to use the system successfully—and that they have the knowledge and skills to provide quality patient care. We also partner with the Ministry to advocate for robust, sustainable funding for the national community health program. Together, we’re working to build a stronger health system, driven by data and driving results for patients at the last mile.
I grew up in a community very similar to the one I am working in now, with a major challenge being poor water and sanitation. Aiming to support communities so similar to my own, I chose to join the community health profession. I have now been able to study more issues stemming from poor sanitation and now counsel a population in a community like my own. I feel like it is my purpose. Everyone deserves quality healthcare.”
A community health worker in Mchinji District, Malawi
Blog Post
“No mother should lose her life needlessly”: Community midwife assistants deliver lifesaving care in Malawi
Blog Post
Three digital health innovations helping community health workers deliver quality care
Blog Post
“They have the power to save themselves”: Profiling three community health workers from Malawi
To bring a health worker within reach of everyone, everywhere.